The Place


Ways to safely help your community during COVID-19

Posted at 1:38 PM, Aug 19, 2020
and last updated 2020-08-19 15:38:37-04

Cyprus Credit Union employees have always invested in the community.

While the pandemic has changed the way they can volunteer, Chief Marketing Officer David Sant says, the need is still there.

Sant says Cyprus Credit Union executive team members have been going to Primary Children's Hospital once a month to prepare dinner for families with children in the hospital. While they can't do that anymore, they are now providing money for the meals. So, they're still making a difference, even if they can't do it in person.

Sant offered some tips if you're looking to volunteer.

In many cases, a cash donation is the best way to support the non-profit of your choice right now.

You can also donate to food banks or pantries.

You may also want to help out someone you know such as family, friends or neighbors -- especially those who are older and may be alone. A phone call, card or conversation through the door could brighten their day.

You could also check out your local Meals On Wheels to help deliver groceries to seniors.

You can learn more information by visiting