The Place


One in three Americans don't have a plan for their own passing

Booming Forward: Make Plans for Passing
Posted at 1:25 PM, Aug 30, 2022
and last updated 2022-08-30 15:25:59-04

According to a recent study, only one in three Americans are giving any sort of advance directive for their passing.

But, younger generations are starting to embrace the idea for making plans for their own funerals and burials.

In today's Booming Forward, sponsored by Optum, experts say everyone should thinking about their final wishes so their families aren't even more overwhelmed at a difficult time.

You can ask for help from a funeral home. Some even have free planning advice on their websites.

Or you can be less formal and just write down your wishes and store them in a secure location that a family member knows about.

By doing the work you're saving your loved ones time and money and allowing them to grieve.