The Place


If you plug something in but there's no power -- try this first

Home Pros: GCFI Outlets 101
Posted at 1:30 PM, Dec 20, 2022
and last updated 2022-12-20 15:30:57-05

We've all done it — plugged something in only to find out the plug has no power!

But what Jennylearned from our home services partner, Any Hour Services, is that most of the time restoring power to the outlet is a quick fix that anyone can safely do.

Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services says GFCI outlets, or ground-fault circuit interrupters, are put in homes where there may be water nearby, such as bathrooms, kitchens, garages, and outside plugs.

They are designed to keep you from getting shocked.

If you push the test button on them, the power will shut off. Mike says simply push reset and the power should come back on.

If it doesn't come back on, that means you may need to replace the outlet.

If any plug in your home doesn't work, Mike suggests checking all the GFCI outlets before doing anything else.

You can find more information at anyhourservices.comor by calling 801-443-7540.