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Here are techniques to help you cope with "microstressors"

Healthier Together: Recognizing microstressors and techniques to cope
Posted at 1:33 PM, May 02, 2023
and last updated 2023-05-22 18:32:05-04

Most of us are not aware that micro-stressors can stack up unnoticed over time – and negatively impact our physical and mental health.

They are better known as "daily hassles" – things like irritations, frustrations, intense situations, or tedious demands on time and energy.

Combined and persistent, micro-stressors can push us closer to our emotional and mental limits unless we take steps to reduce them.

Allie Henderson, a Well-Being Consultant with Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah, joined us with some of those steps to help us cope..

She walked Morgan through several different techniques:

Breathing – the physiological sigh
Mindfulness – practice a grounding technique
Humor – save some funny YouTube videos or memes to easily access
Movement – take a quick walk, stretch, or have a little dance party
Prioritizing and eliminating – make a list of everything going on then prioritize and eliminate
Gratitude – write down three things you are grateful for

Allie reminds us that stress management is personal. You'll need to take time to experiment and find what works best for you.

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