The Place


Even during the pandemic, there are still ways you can get into the spirit through charity work

Posted at 1:38 PM, Dec 09, 2020
and last updated 2020-12-09 15:38:26-05

While the holidays may look a little different this year, there are still ways you can get into the spirit through charity work.

David Sant, Chief Marketing Officer for Cyprus Credit Union, joined us with some ideas on how you can give back during COVID.

There are several organizations that see a higher need for donations during the holiday season and they can often maximize this money. For example, the Utah Food Bank can turn a $1 donation into $8.03 worth of goods and services.

Providing blood during this time doesn't only help those who need it for sometimes life saving measures, but it also provides additional resources to our hospitals, doctors, and first responders. If you've recovered from COVID, your blood may be helpful to those who are sick or for other research.

Holding a food drive for your business, neighborhood, or school is a great way to help out the community and still maintaining social distancing measures. Set up a no-contact drop-off location and coordinate someone to take the food to the proper donation location.

You can learn more great tips at