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Are you in full "back-to-school shopping mode"?

Posted at 1:30 PM, Aug 12, 2020
and last updated 2020-08-12 15:30:14-04

With the new school year right around the corner, you may be in full "back-to-school shopping" mode.

This year is much different from others, but it's still important to plan so you can make sure to get everything your kids need.

David Sant, from Cyprus Credit Union, offered some shopping tips.

Have a Budget: As the school year approaches you may see more coupons being delivered to your house. These can be a good line to help you set up budget guidelines. Make a list of what you need and remember it may be different this year because kids won't be able to share things like crayons and scissors.

Watch for Sales: Don't wait to buy the items you know you'll need, such as notebooks and pencils, and buy them in bulk when you find a great deal. That way you'll already have them around when your child needs new supplies in the middle of the school year.

Teach Your Kids About Finances and Budgeting: As your kids get older, you can start to include them in the budget planning and even come up with ways for them to earn their back to school money.

Start Planning Ahead: Keep track of what you bought this year, and how much you spent. That will help you with planning for next school year.

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